To Feel Pity Should Precipitate Us To ActDo you ever get consumed with pity? Does this take over and leave you in a weakened, depressed and inactive? Feeling sorry for oneself. When we are low already a further depressive experience of feeling can tip us over the edge. Look at me, how I need help and assistance - to the exclusion of everyone else. I need it more.
But it is not always about us, is it. We should then try to understand how the other person is thinking or feeling. Can we not be more charitable? Be more lenient and forgiving of others. Don't always think that you are the center of everything. Give a little of ourselves. Feel that we can offer a helping hand. If we are not immediately met with open arms, let the other person know that you are there for them. Who after all wants to be pitied? Loved, yes. Admired, yes. Respected, yes. But seen as pitiful - not really on anyone's radar is it? Some things to remember:
All best, |