Comfort Zone Story - Your Chance To Share And Inspire OthersComfort Zone Story - we all have stories or tales to tell. We find it easy and enjoyable. Here is your chance to share your 'comfort zone story' and help inspire others to expand their comfort zone and achieve more. It does not have to be long. Just describe an episode or event which you found challenging, and how you met the challenge. And how you felt afterwards. Here is an example of my own: Title Needle phobia Story I don't know why I don't like needles. I have tried to rationalize it many a time. Eventually I came up with a plan to help me overcome the 'after-effects' of having an injection or blood sample taken. I remember being at school and they surprised us one day with everyone having to have a vaccination. All was well until afterwards I had to quickly go to the loo to hide my 'faintness' feeling. At different times I tried to think my way through - mind over matter perhaps. Sometimes it worked, other times less so. Then I had this idea - I would go along and give a blood donation. Tackling my 'phobia' head on would help me irradicate it - that was my plan anyway. And it worked. I gave 11 donations in all and only a couple of times did I feel at all faint. Perhaps altruism works! I have had several injections since. At times I've felt fine. Other times I've felt faint and needed assistance - a break lying down - to get over it. So have I gotten over my phobia. Yes and No. I'm disappointed I cannot will myself through. At least now I have come to terms with it and accept the way I feel when I need to have another injection or blood sample venepuncture. So I have at least my needle comfort zone, while still there, is not the overwhelming thing of the past. For which I am grateful! So - don't be shy - share your story and let your experience help inspire someone else. You don't have to be a writer - just share your thoughts and feelings, for that is what counts. I look forward to hearing from you. All best, Martin Please share your 'comfort zone story' below Do you have an inspirational comfort zone story or tale to tell?Help someone else by sharing how you expanded your comfort zone. I bet you have a tale to tell. Share it here now! Read Stories Other Visitors Have SharedClick below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
my husband of 37 yr's took it away You did not go ahead and share your story. That's a shame. Don't miss this chance to have your say - share your short story and help someone else. |