Celebrating The Inner You Volume 2 - An Ebook To Help You Make The Most Of Life's Opportunities
Martin Woolnough's ebook store Welcome to the electronic book store page for Celebrating The Inner You: Volume 2 on www.self-esteem-enhances-life.com! 
In the US use:Feel free to view this ebook on Amazon right now! In the UK use:Feel free to view this ebook on Amazon right now! Taken from the Celebrating The Inner You: Volume 2 book description Find inspirational and motivational quotes and verses to assist you to celebrate the gift of life. Discover timeless wisdom and thought provoking contents that will challenge you to get more out of life. Understand yourself and life better. This is volume 2 of a series of 3 volumes. It takes the themes of volume 1 and adds further depth and clarity to the material shared. Celebrating The Inner You: Volume 2 is about viewing life as a gift and time as being precious we are motivated to get the most out of each and every day. Let these easily read bite sized pages lead you on a journey with the aim of uncovering more and more of life's secrets - most of which are to be found hidden just beneath the surface, and waiting patiently for you to dig and discover them. Understand life better and you will enjoy it more and ... Two extra extracts When you view the ebook on Amazon you will be able to 'click to look inside' and get a small flavor of what the book is about. But here are two further extracts for you.
Part 2 What can we find out today?
I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with typewriters.
Frank Lloyd Wright ****************************
The difference between Talent and Genius is, that Talent says things which he has never heard but once, and Genius things which he has never heard.
Ralph Waldo Emerson ****************************
It is the mind which is really alive and sees things, yet it hardly sees anything without preliminary instruction.
Jean Martin Charcot
| Choice
Don't live on automatic Choice is such an important element in making decisions it can be such an impediment if it only did not give us so many things to decide from we would with our decisions feel so much more at home
How do we choose what to do there is always so much to think about and chew over and over again so it seems we can look to the heavens, find the answer in our dreams
****** Do we think we have life's number are we awake or in the midst of slumber perhaps we can see the light draw near we really have nothing to worry about but our own fear
We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.
Martin Luther King
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